At Replica Printing we use PDF files as the basis for all of our print jobs. When a customer comes to us, and wants to print a document or art work we ask them to save any and all documents as PDF files.
This is an example of the icon that is used to represent PDF files
A Portable Document Format (PDF) is a file format used to present and exchange documents reliably, independent of software, hardware, or operating system. A PDF is a file that is already print ready because this format ensures your printed or viewed file retains the formatting that you intended. PDFs are VITAL to getting your print project finished quickly. That is why the PDF format is useful if you intend to use commercial printing methods like Replica Printing. Now, some print shops can convert the files for you, but most of the time there is a fee and it will prolong the time it takes to print your project. This can easily be avoided. Most files can be easily converted to PDF using your own computer at work or home.
But how you ask?
This article has instructions on how to convert any Microsoft office document into a PDF. Vector files (files that can be clearly re-sized to any size usually come from an Adobe Suite program) are also commonly accepted in place of PDFs. Here is another helpful article about converting files into PDFs.
PDFs are also a good way to help set up the printing process. Full bleed pages can even be set up and saved as PDF files.