Replica Printing Services

The Printing Process of a Business Card

Most of us have business cards. We hand them to people and have them handed to us all the time. We use them to market ourselves and to offer people an easy way to know how to contact us at any time. They are vital in the process of creating your personal brand.

One thing you may not have put much thought into is how that card was made. What is the process involved in the production of a set of business cards? Well, you’re about to find out! Below is a step-by-step documentation of The Printing Process of a Business Card made here at Replica Printing. It’s a lot faster of a process than you probably think.

The first step is pre-flighting. Here is a snapshot of our design computer with the card laid out in Adobe Illustrator. We recently did an article on preparing your designs for print, so if you’d like to know more about how the design should be set up, click here.

We then send the file through our network to print full sheets from our Xerox 800 Digital Color Press. Click on the video below to watch the Xerox 800 pump out sheets of cards!

After the sheets are printed out on the Xerox 800, we take the sheets over to our Duplo 646 cutter / slitter / creaser machine and it swiftly cuts them into perfect 3.5″ x 2″ sized business cards. Click on the video below to watch the machine in action!

The cards are then collected and boxed up, ready to be given to their rightful owner!

This entire process took less than ten minutes. So if you are in a bind and need a set of business cards the same day, we will be happy to help you out. Feel free to contact us any time for your business card needs. We are open 7 days a week! Click here to visit our website and see our store hours.

This final image depicts the aforementioned scenario of holding a business card in your hand. Now you know exactly how it got there!

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